Friday 5 – Travel Gift Ideas

Can anyone believe it’s already December? With the holidays literally right around the corner, my Friday 5s for the month of December will be little mini-gift guides. What better way to start than with my favorite 5 travel gift ideas! Also, for more gift ideas head over to my shop where you can find stocking stuffers and other gift ideas at various price points. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate advertising, which means that if you…

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Rag & Bone Blazer – The Perfect Fall Jacket

These last few weeks, I’ve been in such a fashion mood when it comes to my blog (in case you haven’t noticed)! With the season changing, I’ve been focusing more on changing over my wardrobe and less on planning the next adventure (which I swear is coming soon)! My favorite projects were by far the launch my fall capsule wardrobe this season and how to wear a leather jacket! But this post might just top…

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Fall Capsule Wardrobe

This Fall, I’m trying something new! I wanted to create a fall capsule wardrobe. Now, for those not familiar with the term, it is essentially a selection of items that you can wear a ton of different ways and help serve as the basis for your wardrobe for a season or month. The great thing about the capsule wardrobe is that it is not only perfect for packing, but it also makes it super easy…

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9 Wardrobe Essentials

I used struggle to put together a cohesive wardrobe. The thought of building wardrobe essential items was beyond foreign. I would go to the store, try on a ton of items and buy whatever I liked. This left me with a ton of items in my closet that didn’t really go together. When I started traveling more frequently and for longer periods of time, this had to change. My suitcase would only allow for so…

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